March 4, 2012

Karchev the Terrible vs Grand Scrutator Severius

Karchev the Terrible... yeah he's terrible at keeping his cool. His spell list just screams GO FORWARD LOL~! Feeding off the early summer heat, that's exactly what I did.

MK's deployment - a huge chunk or Errants on the fore

Uhlans castling up Karchev after his textbook Ass Slide © maneuver

MK and CK

A Reckoner and a pair of Knights Exemplar drop "The Terrible"
I brought this list because a new Khador guy was supposed to check out how Karchev is played.  I tried to pick models currently in his collection, which included the two Berserkers and Drago.  Sadly, the dude never showed (I wanted to try out something instead but what the heck~)

I went for a refused flank and did a textbook Ass Slide with Big K.  But as usual, I got greedy and let down my good enough guard to use his Sunder.  I also ran up Eiryss instead of disrupting Severius.  All that contributed to my warcaster's downfall LOL

Game 08: March 4, 2012

35PC SR2011 Overrun
Khador's Karchev the Terrible versus the Protectorate of Menoth's Grand Scrutator Severius (Erickson Kwok)
Venue: Schizo Art Cafe
Result: Loss 


  1. Sir! I'm that new Khador dude that didn't show up. I'm super sorry that I forgot to tell you guys that I had something urgent that day. I'll make it up to you guys soon.

  2. Hit up on the Skype conversation. We're more active there. Plus you know if Schizo is open or not on the day itself.
